
Health Insurance Buying Tips

Health insurance business in Indonesia is rife with a growing number of insurance companies that stand. Consumers also must be careful in determining the options before deciding to buy an insurance policy. Here are the things you should look at before buying health insurance:

1. Performance Company.
Observe the performance of the respective insurance companies, including insurance policies, brochures, prospectuses, insurance proposal and even insurance application forms.

2. Thorough calculation of insurance premiums and investment returns.
Read the fine calculation shown in the proposal are usually the calculation of insurance because it is not listed. Do not be tempted by the offer of the proposal because the calculations are only estimation which of course can be missed.

3. Form filling.
Never delegate the application form to the agent instead of our own or anyone else who must fill out an application and convinced of the truth of information that we specified.

For precise policy content of the following:
1. The protection provided.
Researching what is offered by insurance companies that exist in the policy. Notice anything that is borne diseases, because sometimes there are some diseases that are exempt or not included in the policy.

2. Term insurance follow.
Usually the type of health insurance cover possible a person suffering from certain illnesses to buy insurance, such as heart, liver and so on. Ask it to the insurance company.

3. The total coverage.
Notice also how much insurance is included in the policy. There are changing all the health costs incurred but there is also a limit, eg to a hospital room Rp3 thousand / night, for a maximum of Rp2 million ceiling physician, for maximal drug Rp1 million, etc..

4. Claim procedures.
In general, the maximum period to file a claim has been determined have been listed in the following terms in the policy documents must be submitted to the insurer then becomes your duty to observe.

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