

Gold’s Highs Review in 2010

(A) January 8th, 2010 - Precious metals price action turned positive on this day in New York, following weaker dollar values in the wake of dismal employment data. The dollar appeared to be anticipating tomorrow's US payroll figures which are expected to show that the economy has shed jobs during every single month of 2008 and likely pushed unemployment to 7% for a 16-year high. Crude oil fell to under $42 per barrel on apprehensions generated by the employment situation and was only marginally supported by Russia's failure to come to terms with the Ukraine in the gas impasse.

(B) January 11th, 2010 - The U.S. economy lost 524,000 jobs in December, closing out the worst year for job losses since World War II, the Labor Department said this date. Nearly 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, with 1.9 million destroyed in just the past four months, according to a survey of work places. It's the biggest job loss in any calendar year since 1945. The unemployment rate rose to 7.2%, the highest in 16 years. Unemployment increased by 632,000 to 11.1 million, according to the survey of households.

(C) May 7th, 2010 - Gold prices hovered around the $1200 mark early this morning, as their after-hours rise to five-month highs above that round figure on the back of spreading fears about Greek contagion and the Dow's 'air pocket incident' prompted profit-takers to do just that. The U.S. economy added 290,000 jobs in April, the biggest gain in four years. However, the unemployment rate rose slightly, from 9.7% to 9.9%. This is mostly due to people who had previously given up looking for work restarting their job search.

(D) June 18th, 2010 - On this day, Comex gold futures closed solidly higher today, near the session high. Weak U.S. economic data pushed the U.S. dollar index and stock indexes lower, and rallied the Euro currency, which in turn lent to fresh buying interest in gold. Price action Thursday suggests traders are resuming notions that a weaker U.S. dollar is a supportive factor for gold. Such had been the case until the European Union debt crisis rattled the world's market structure.

(E) November 4th, 2010 - As was largely expected the GOP took control of the US House of Representatives and gained Senate seats as well. Gold futures at one point rocketed ahead by nearly $60 an ounce this day compared to their low from the previous afternoon, when the market was initially choppy in the wake of a Federal Open Market Committee announcement of another $600 billion in quantitative easing.

(F) November 9th, 2010 - Commodity markets were on fire early this day, led by surging precious metals prices that saw gold futures hit a fresh record high and silver futures hit a fresh 30-year high. Gold's surge in price continued from the mid-term election and QE2 announcement on November 4.

(G) November 25th, 2010 - South Korea deployed additional long-range artillery missiles on a border island and vowed to make North Korea “pay the price” for its first direct assault on the country since 1953. Although an armistice has been in place since that time, the two Koreas are still technically at war with each other. A top Chinese emissary met with President Lee on Sunday, after China called for a multilateral emergency meeting aimed at defusing the aggravating crisis.

(H) December 6th, 2010 - China and its anti-inflation/anti-bubble combat took centre stage in the market news flows once again on this date, as its People's Bank announced a half percent hike in reserve requirements (to 18%) for the country's banks. The move represented the sixth such tightening this year. Polled analysts believe that inflation may have risen further, possibly to as high a level as 4.6%, and that the PBOC might raise interest rates even as soon as Sunday if it feels that the inflation dragon is growing yet another unwelcome head and getting ready for a menacing flight. (source:kitco)


Business Trend Analysis in 2011

SYNCORE has collected survey data and the sharing of business experience and make business trend analysis in 2011, with the following points:

1. The Indonesian economy is expected to grow about 6.3% in 2011, inflation 4.5%, the price of 75-90 dollars per barrel oil, but must continue to pay attention to the development of 'war exchange rate' the United States with China and the potential war on the Korean peninsula. Global upheaval will only slow global economic recovery from the crisis, and will hit export-oriented industry.

2. Restrictions on fuel subsidy plan in January 2011 will have a significant effect, especially business-related transportation, distribution and consumption.

3. Indonesia's economy will still be relied on domestic consumption, businesses related to the local market will still be safe, despite facing the pressure in the first quarter of 2011.

4. The first quarter 2011 will be a heavy period, with global economic uncertainty, limiting fuel subsidies, and seretnya allocation of government expenditure.

5. These policies are not popular (but should be done) from the government is likely to be taken in the first quarter of 2011, according to custom SBY to take the unpopular policies of government in the middle of the year (so it is still enough time before the image of the recovery operation ends tenure).

6. The government will be more assertive in regulatory enforcement efforts in the field of trade, industry, labor and taxes.

7. Marketing trend is still going to combine the power of the distribution channel, who owns the best distribution channel, will have a chance to win the competition.

8. Service to the customer, will be the key strategy to win the competition, given the increasingly well informed customers of the choices that exist and the low switching costs.

9. Automation services to customers using a rental-based information technology (software as a service - SAAS) will be increasingly popular, as,, and the prediction of local players will appear in this type of service.

10. Promotion using social networks (eg Facebook, Twitter) will be far more effective than using a web promotion.

11. Community based marketing, will remain powerful in exploring the potential of existing markets and build customer loyalty.

12. For the motor industry, will continue to erode the dominance matic duck market share. It is estimated that in 2011 the sale matic will approach 50% of motorcycle sales. Big players in the estimate will launch its products in the first quarter of 2011.

13. For the computer industry, will far surpass the dominance of a laptop PC with an approximate ratio of 80:20 will penetrate. Netbook sales have been mencapi cusp and will tend to decline, eroded by the trend of IPAD and similar products, particularly those using Android.

14. Franchise Business will continue to grow, with some players learn from the mistakes in the beginning, and implement new strategies in 2011. Expected to be many local players who continue to Berjaya in 2011. Items of food and beverage franchise is still going to dominate.

15. Culinary business trends will continue to strengthen, with several players already applying modern concepts in terms of branding, standardization of the cooking process, supply chain etc..

16. Computer applications for office, particularly financial, will experience a surge in 2011, with specification of web-based, multiplatform, mobile, and lease-based (software as a service). World's big players will mendowngrade price to get into the SME market in Indonesia is growing, but the keys still in the competition and after sales support.

17. Creative industries will continue to grow, not affected by the crisis. Some players will successfully penetrate the international market. Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta will be the locomotive to generate start-ups in the field of creative industries.

18. Trends students become entrepreneurs will increase. The definition of students / graduates who are successful have been shifted from students who have a high IP, pass quickly and accepted in big companies, becoming a successful student has at times been a student of business, and expand it when passing. (Source: syncoreconsulting)


Setting WAP Paket Blackberry Unlimited

Pada dasarnya untuk layanan Paket Blackberry Unlimited kita dapat melakukan browsing sepuasnya selama satu bulan. Namun beberapa hal dapat mengakibatkan kita terkena charge tambahan atau memakan pulsa kita saat browsing diantaranya karena:
1. Akses data streaming seperti You Tube dan lain-lain.
2. Browsing dengan menggunakan APN
Untuk poin 2 diatas, cara untuk setting WAP agar kita tidak dikenakan biaya tambahan atau pulsa kita terpakai adalah sbb:
- Klik Browser.
- Klik Menu Button
- Pilih Option
- Pilih General Properties
Pada default browser ada pilihan Blackberry Browser, Internet Browser, dan Hotspot Browser. Pastikan tidak ter-setting ke

Kemudian setting APN melalui menu Option, pilih Advance Option kemudian klik TCP/IP. Pastikan Menu TCP/IP tidak diisi apapun (dikosongkan) atau diisi dengan

Install third party application dan network application di-setting ke WAP, TCP/IP, atau auto. Jadi pastikan network connection-nya ter-setting ke BIS-B.

Selamat Mencoba.


How to Add your Blogger blog on MSN

Finally this is the end of serial post how to submit your blog to searc engine. Now i will show you how to add and verify your blogger blog on MSN. This is the step:
1. Sign into Windows Live with your Windows Live ID (Hotmail ID)
2. On the Webmaster Center, type the site URL in the Web address field. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as

3. Click Submit.

MSN,webmaster live, tools
4. From the Authenticate Ownership of Website page select “Meta tag authentication" Copy the whole tag.

msn meta tag
5. Open the Edit HTML mode from the blogger’s Layout Editor. Paste the Meta Tag you just copied immediately under the tag "head". Save the template.

msn meta tag
6. Go back to Authenticate Ownership of Website page and click on the "Return to Site List" button.
7. From the Site List page click your web address to check whether the verification step is completed.

See you on another time.


How to Add your Blogger blog on Yahoo

Last post i had wrote about how to add and verify your blogger blog on google. As serial post now i will show you how to add and verify your blogger blog on Yahoo. This is the step:
1. Sign into Yahoo Site Explorer with your Yahoo Account
2. From the Site Explorer click My Sites.

3. Type the site URL in the Add My Site Field. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as and then click Add My Site.

4. Click on the yellow button under the Status.

5. From the Authentication page select “by adding a META TAG to my home page" Copy the whole tag.
yahoo submit your site
6. Open the Edit HTML mode from the blogger’s Layout Editor. Paste the Meta Tag you just copied immediately under the tag "head". Save the template.

7. Go back to Yahoo Site Explorer and click on the "Ready to Authenticate" button. (It might take a few hours to get your status updated)

Next How to Add your Blogger blog on MSN


How to Add your Blogger blog on Google

To get your website or blog pages more crawling and indexing by search engine, it's very important to get authenticated from search engine so you must submit and verify your blog to search engine for best performing in the search result. The best thing you can tell about the pages on your site by submitting a sitemap. This time SEO Tutorial is about how your blogger blog get authenticated to Google, Yahoo and MSN(Live)

How to add and verify your Blogger blog on Google:
1. Sign into Google Webmaster Tools with your Google Account.
2. On the Dashboard, type the site URL in the Add site field. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as and then click Add Site.
google dashboard
3. Click on Verify your site link.
verify google
4. Select Add a meta tag as the verification method.
add meta tag, google
5. Copy the meta tag.
google meta tag
6. Open the Edit HTML mode from the blogger’s Layout Editor. Paste the meta tag you just copied immediately under the tag "head". Save the template and go back to Google Webmaster Tools.
meta tag to blogger
7. Click on the Verify button.
click verify button, google
8. Go back to dashboard in Google Webmaster Tools and check whether the verification step is completed. It might take a few minutes to get your status updated.
google verified
Hopefully useful,


Trik Dasar BB (Blackberry)

Cek PIN, IMEI, Versi OS
Cara mengakses Informasi PIN - IMEI - VendorID - FreeMem - Versi OS - etc Dari Menu Icon sebagai berikut: tekan tombol “ALT” - “NUM / Aa / Cap” - “H” bersama-sama atau pilih Options – Status

Cek Locked or Unlocked
Buka Options - Advanced Options - Sim Card - ketik “MEPD” (akan muncul baris-baris baru). Jika BB sudah unlocked maka statusnya berubah menjadi “Disabled” semua.

Cek Status IT Policy dan Status New or Second
Buka Options - Status - ketik “BUYR” - Perhatikan baris “Data Usage” dan “Voice Usage” - Jika kena IT Policy, maka akan muncul “IT Policy” - Jika tidak akan menunjukkan jumlah pemakaian/penggunaan BB - Jika New harusnya sih 0 semua, tapi angka ini bisa direset juga.

Setting Alert/ bunyi pesan
Kemudian bagaimana cara Setting Alert untuk masing2 email / SMS / YM / Facebook?
Pilih icon “Profiles”, scroll ke bawah cari “Advanced…” kemudian klik dan pilih Profile yang mau diedit. Contoh: Messages [Yahoo] - Perhatikan bagian atas “Out of Holster” pilih None atau Vibrate atau Tone atau Vibrate + Tone. Setelah itu Pilih jenis Ringtone dan atur bagian Volume. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk bagian “In Holster”.

Mengoptimalkan Baterai Agar Awet
Umur batere Blackberry tergantung oleh:
- kekuatan sinyal operator, makin bagus dan stabil berarti makin irit
- traffic data yang lewat, makin banyak makin cepet abis
- setting alert di HP, semakin minim, semakin irit, antara lain:
* vibrate semakin banyak digunakan semakin boros
* volume semakin kecil, semakin irit
* led indikator tidak terlalu berpengaruh, jika dimatikan bisa lebih irit
- setting brightness tampilan, semakin terang semakin boros
- aktivitas kita dalam menggunakan HP, semakin sering kita ngetik dan mengoperasikan baterai semakin boros.
Faktor berikutnya adalah setting alert, saran: - apabila siang hari, gunakan alert tone saja dengan volume medium tanpa vibrate - apabila didalam holster, gunakan alert vibrate saja, tanpa volume - apabila malam hari / tidur, gunakan profile silent (tanpa tone dan tanpa vibrate).

Hapus Folder Email
Masuk ke options - advance options - service books - yang ada alamat email (cical maupun cmime) klik menu – delete.

Memisahkan SMS dan Email
Memisahkan SMS dengan Email - Buka icon “Messages” - klik Menu dan Pilih Options - General Options - Perhatikan bagian “SMS and Email Inbox” Kemudian pilih Separate

Menampilkan Inbox lebih menarik - Buka icon “Messages” - klik Menu - Options - General Options - Display Order “Name, Subject” - Display Message Header On “2 lines” - Separators “Stripes” - Keep Messages “15 days”.

Biar irit memory Shortcut bernavigasi di Email:
“N” - untuk next email (berurutan)
“P” - untuk previous email (berurutan)
“U” - untuk next unread email.

Shortcut bernavigasi di content Email or Browser:
“T” untuk ke paling atas (TOP)
“B” untuk ke paling bawah (BOTTOM)
[space] untuk scroll ke bawah seperti page down
[shift/num/Aa kiri] + [space] untuk scroll ke atas atau page up
Menampilkan menu pilihan di browser, tekan tombol [alt]
Memilih menu terkadang [space], [enter] atau tekan scroll wheel / ball nya

Apabila ada Email / Message yang belum dibaca, padahal saat dicari sudah dihapus coba buka di Folder Saved Messages. Jika misalkan masih belum ketemu coba restart Blackberry-nya.

Wipe atau Reset
Options - security - general setting - klik menu - wipe handheld - konfirmasi - ketik blackberry.

Sering kali BB kita hang maka perlu dilakukan Soft Restart. Tekan tombol “ALT” - “Cap / Aa yang sebelah Kanan” dan tombol “DEL” bersama-sama.

Selamat Mencoba.


20 Tips Hotkey on Blackberry

1. To move the cursor in a different direction, hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.

2. To type an accented or special character, hold the letter key and roll the trackwheel. When the desired character appears, release the letter key.

3. To select a check box, press the Space key. To clear the check box, press the Space key again.

4. To exit a screen or dialog box, press the Escape button.

5. To change an option field, hold the Alt key. Click a value.

6. To switch to another application, hold the Alt key and press the Escape button. Continue to hold the Alt key and select an application. Release the Alt key to switch to that application.

7. To move directly to an item in an options list or menu, press the first letter of the item.

8. To select a line of text, press the Shift key and roll the trackwheel.

9. To cut selected text, press the Shift key + the Backspace key. To copy selected text, press the Alt key and click the trackwheel. To paste text, press the Shift key and click the trackwheel.

10. To capitalize a letter, hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears.

11. To insert a period, press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized.

12. To insert the at sign (@) and periods in an Email field, press the Space key.

13. To reply to a message, press R. To forward a message, press F. To reply to all, press L.

14. To move to the top of a screen, press T. To move to the bottom of a screen, press B.

15. To move down a screen, press the Space key. To move up a screen, press the Shift key + the Space key.

16. To turn on CAP lock, press the Alt key + the Right Shift key. To turn off CAP lock, press the Right Shift key.

17. To view sent messages, in the messages list, press the Alt key + O. To view received messages, press the Alt key + I. To view SMS messages, press the Alt key + S. To view phone call logs, press the Alt key + P. To view voice mail messages, press the Alt key + V.

18. To move to the next item, press N. To move to the previous item, press P.

19. To type numbers in a number field, press the number keys. You do not need to press the Alt key.

20. In the Calendar, to change to Agenda view, press A. To change to Day view, press D. To change to Week view, press W. To change to Month view, press M.

Good Luck,


Cara Menggunakan Blackberry QR-Code

Bar code QR mulai muncul di mana-mana. Bar code ini memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan smartphone Anda sebagai scanner, memberikan Anda informasi melalui kode QR. Banyak item di toko sudah mengunakan kode ini. Memindai item menggunakan Bar code QR ini dapat memberikan informasi tentang produk, seperti harga, review dan spesifikasi. Kode QR dalam iklan membawa Anda ke website produsen.

Langkah-langkah menggunakan Blackberry QR-Code Reader:

1. Periksa kompatibilitas antara tipe Blackberry Anda dengan QR-Code Reader.QR-Code Reader yang mendukung untuk smartphone Blackberry adalah BeeTagg, i-nigma, Lynkee, Neoreader, QuickMark, Scanlife, dan UpCode. Berikut QR-Code Reader yang kompatibel sesuai tipe-tipe blackberry:

2. Pilih QR-Code yang sesuai dengan tipe Blackberry Anda. Contoh: BB 9700 kompatibel dengan Scanlife. Maka download QR-Code Reader Scanlife.

3. Download QR-Code Reader yang kompatibel. Anda dapat langsung mendownloadnya melalui Browser BB Anda melalui link berikut ini:

QuickMark: Anda harus register dulu. Untuk register klik

Keterangan: Saat Anda masuk akan muncul layar dibawah ini. Anda tinggal klik Skip Ad, maka selanjutnya akan dibawa ke aplikasi QR-Code untuk kemudian ikuti petunjuk mendownloadnya.

4. Cara menggunakan aplikasi cukup dengan arahkan kamera ponsel Anda di kode QR. Ambil gambar dari kode QR, tidak masalah dari mana sudut mengambil gambar. Perangkat lunak ini secara otomatis akan membaca kode dan membuka informasi pada telepon Anda.

Selamat Mencoba.


Cek Keaslian PIN dan IMEI

PhotobucketPertama kali kita beli blackberry maka kita perlu hati-hati terhadap keaslian nomor PIN dan IMEI Blackberry yang kita beli. Setiap kali kita membeli Blackberry maka disetiap kotak handphone pasti terdapat identifikasi nomor PIN dan IMEI handphone Blackberry. Untuk mengetahui PIN hasil kloning atau bukan dapat dilakukan cara berikut:

1. Cek pada International numbering plan disini
2. Kemudian nampak layar berikut:
3. Masukkan nomor IMEI Blackberry Anda.
4. Maka nampak contoh hasilnya sebagai berikut:
5. Jika tidak keluar hasilnya maka kemungkinan nomor IMEI anda tidak asli dan PIN Blackberry Anda adalah hasil kloning.

Selamat Mencoba.


Tips Mengoptimalkan Memory Blackberry

PhotobucketSalah satu keterbatasan dari BlackBerry adalah terbatasnya kapasitas memory internalnya. Oleh karena itu, kita harus sebaik mungkin mengoptimalkan memory internal BlackBerry kita karena jika tidak tentu akan memperlambat kinerjanya dalam kata lain jadi lemot. Berikut beberapa tips bagaimana mengoptimalkan memory blackberry sekaligus dapat menghemat baterai:

1. Pilih aplikasi yang harus selalu online (sangat penting) dan tutup yang tidak terlalu sering digunakan. Contoh: Matikan Instant Messanger seperti YM, G’Talk jika telah tidak digunakan.

2. Selalu simpan file-file berukuran besar ke Media Card/Storage Card seperti file MP3, Video, Gambar, dll.

3. Hapus (delete) semua messages yang tidak penting / sudah dibaca , baik itu email atau sms/mms. Email dengan attachment yang besar usahakan baca hanya melalui PC.

4. Hapus (delete) browser cache. Caranya: buka browser, klik menu (logo bB), klik options, klik cache operations, klik clear history.

5. Hapus (delete) cache di aplikasi FB. Caranya: buka FB, klik menu (logo bB), klik options, klik clear cache.

6. Hapus (delete) semua miss calls. Caranya: buka “messages”, klik menu (logo bB), klik view folder, klik missed calls, klik menu, klik delete prior.

7. Hapus (delete) phone call logs. Caranya: buka “messages”, klik menu, klik view folder, klik phone call log, klik menu, klik delete prior.

8. Hapus (delete) event log. Caranya: dari Home Screen tahan tombol alt, lalu klik hurur L G L G, lalu tekan menu (logo bB), klik clear log.

9. Bersihkan secara rutin temp memory. Caranya: buka “options”, klik security options, klik memory cleaning, klik menu (logo bB), klik clean now, klik save.

10. Biasakan mencabut baterai setiap 2-3 hari sekali untuk menghapus sisa-sisa file yang tidak terpakai.Lakukan Soft Reset. Caranya: tekan alt – shift (aA) kanan – del secara bersamaan, tahan kira-kira 3 detik (sampai screen mati) / Copot Baterai.

11. Delete Aplikasi yang Di-Uninstall. Aplikasi yang tidak digunakan lagi memang dengan mudah dengan cara delete saja. Namun, hal tersebut tidak membuat aplikasi yang di-delete akan sepenuhnya terhapus. Ini akan sangat mengganggu jika update dari aplikasi tersebut akan muncul, dan tidak sesuai dengan OS yang digunakan. Satu-satunya jalan adalah dengan cara menghapus permanen. Caranya : masuk ke BB App World, masuk ke My World yang ada di pojok kanan bawah. Setelah masuk, lalu tekan ALT dengan R, S, T secara bersamaan.

12. Refresh memori di BlackBerry menggunakan aplikasi yang Memory Up Personal. Aplikasi ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis di BlackBerry App World. Selain membersihkan, aplikasi ini juga memberikan berapa kapasitas memori yang sudah terpakai. Cara untuk membersihkannya, setelah unduh silahkan masuk ke aplikasi tersebut, dan menekan ikon BlackBerry Anda. Pilih menu 'Quick Boost', biarkan Memory Up Personal yang akan bekerja, biasanya akan ada 7 tahapan 'pembersihan'.

Selamat Mencoba.


Ipod Nano 6th. Thumb Up!

Everyone talk about this product in my office, but some don’t like it because there is no camera on this gadget. But it’s not a problem for me. You know why i like this gadget very much. Well, this awesome features will make you also fall in love with this gadget.

The special thing is the anodized aluminum finish with many bright colors choice make me want to buy some for my wife, my brother and my sister with different colors. The red one is my favorites.
The lighter and smaller than other ipod product make easy to carry on. It’s very mobile. I use to clip it on my jacket or running short when i take jogging in the morning and i still keep enjoy my favorite music song play with my fingertips because its use multi touch screen. The unique one, it is also can be my watch if i need it. The feature call is iWatch. You can see it on the main menu.
It’s true there no camera on this product. What the hell!! This product is all about music and fun. If you want take a picture you can buy best camera than you can get best picture. I usually use my phone to take a picture but its also not bad at all. The great features is Live Pause and Genius Mixed features. With “Live Pause” i can pause my radio broadcast when i received a phone call and when i finished with my phone call i can play back my radio broadcast until 15 minutes. With “Genius Mixed” i can listening many song with the same beat so i never bored with this gadget.
The more interesting is this gadget can also function as “pedometer”. I use it all the time when i exercising and working so i can know how much calories burned and how long sports and works that have been passed.

So if you have the same hobbies with me. I recommendate this product.
Support link(s):


Acer Aspire One D255

One of the basic Acer philosophy to stay ahead is presents the latest technology, and they showed it again this time. Shortly after Intel announced the Atom N550, Acer Aspire One D255 immediate release based on these processors. Currently you can get these notebooks in the market with price Rp3 juta (Linux) and Rp3,7 juta (Windows 7 Starter plus Android). Yup, the price is not to much different from the N450-based notebook.

By design, the Acer aspire One D255 has a design similar to the previous generation. Just look at its sleek and slim, with less than 1 inch thick (in the open state). It becomes its own record because the larger TDP Atom N550 should make cooling systems Acer D255 more complicated, which led to the design more bigger. Moreover, this notebook uses battery size 6-cell (4400mAh, 49Wh). But it turns out Acer managed to design this notebook with a slim design and weighs only 1.15 kg.

Talk about battery, my attention focused on durability in battery mode. With the TDP processors larger, i expect this notebook battery life will be under N450 Atom based notebook. On testing a video mode (where i play HD video on an ongoing basis), our expectation was proven. Acer D255, only lasted 3 hours 43 minutes, losing out to HP Mininote 210 (4 hours 29 minutes). But in the test Battery Eater Text Mode (running text continuous), Acer D255 managed to achieve 8 hours more, longer than the HP Mininote 210.

From these results, it can be concluded that Acer D255 battery duration will be seen in heavy applications. However, in lightweight applications, Acer D255 retains the image of a durable notebook.

Benefits of Dual Core
Then, what effect the presence of dual core in terms of performance? As a first approximation, the existence of dual core would be clearly visible on the multi-tasking applications such as Sysmark 2007. For the testing using a variety of applications (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Flash) that run together, Acer D255 performance seen more quickly.

The benefits of dual cores is also seen in the test video encoding using Microsoft Expression Encoder application. The application supports multithread (one application can be done along the entire core), so the result an increase of more than 40%.

However, in applications such as single-thread Encoder DBPower (for encoding audio), it become slower. But in the test video mode, Acer D255 successfully play 720p video smoothly. There is still a little jerky, but much smoother than the Atom N450-based notebook.

In facilities, Acer D255 is relatively not much different from other notebooks. Around his perch USB 2.0 (3 pieces), Ethernet, memory slot, and VGA-Out. While on the wireless connection, this notebook equipped with WiFi without Bluetooth.

But there is a unique facility in this notebook, the Android. Yes, a special operating system smartphone had actually been invested on this notebook. Its function as an operating system backup if you're lazy go to Windows 7 Starter Edition, you will find a standard computing applications, ranging from the browser, chat, until the email client.

To get into Android, the duration is only about 10 seconds. After that, you will be faced with the look like Android in the smartphone, complete with a row of menu applications. Android was not difficult to find a WiFi network in my office, as well as with the flash.

Still, there are some things that quite disturbing. First, the Acer does not provide a special key to get into Android. So, i still have to push the Power button. Problem is, when it wanted to go to Windows 7, i have to press F9 when StartUp. If not forget, the system will go into the Android, and count down of 10 seconds (or you can set it). If you do not press any button, new information systems into Windows 7. In our opinion this procedure is somewhat inconvenient, as it requires special attention and time to go into Windows 7. Why not, there are two special keys to get into Android and the Windows 7, so it is more practical.

I also do not see any Android Market in the application window. Though, Android Market will allow us to get additional applications. Consequently although interesting, the existence of Android on the Aspire One D255 is felt less than the maximum.

If filled to the test results, see if Atom N550 will be very beneficial if you often do multitasking or running an application that supports multithread. In these conditions, improved performance which can occur up to 40%. While the application singlethread, speeds become slower that will make its performance remains about 10%.

Based on these facts, i think Atom N550 quite refreshing notebook market. The majority of user do many things simultaneously, listening to music as surf the internet, so Atomic of dual core presence to the character. Another fact is the existence of extra core does not make this processor-intensive power, reflected in the performance of these notebooks are still able to stand up to 8 hours.

Excess Atom N550 is sweet chime on Acer Aspire One D255. Despite offers performance, and good battery life, this notebook designs remain lean and thin. The price was not too far compared to previous generation notebooks. So if you're currently looking for a notebook, the Acer Aspire One D255 is an option which must be signed in the first list.

In multitasking scenario (Sysmark 2007) or application that supports multithread (video encoding), the performance of Acer Aspire One D255 can be more hurried up to 40%. However, in applications singlethread (audio encoding and 3DMark 2006), slightly lagging the performance of Acer.

Stay Thin
Although using more processors, Äúpanas, Äù, Acer Aspire One still managed to design a D255 with a slim and sleek design.

Design Chiclet
In this D255 Acer Aspire One re-use chiclet design as the previous generation. The design makes typing process to be comfortable while i expect that the repulsion is more steady.

Size Large
This small-sized battery was a 6-cell type, and can last up to 7 hours when used in running text.

Plus: good performance; to play HD video smoothly; thin design; equipped Android.

Minus: The price is slightly more expensive; without Bluetooth.

Assessment Score
- Performance: 4.7
- Facilities: 4
- Usage: 4.3
- Price: 3.75
- Total Score: 4/5

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