
Business Trend Analysis in 2011

SYNCORE has collected survey data and the sharing of business experience and make business trend analysis in 2011, with the following points:

1. The Indonesian economy is expected to grow about 6.3% in 2011, inflation 4.5%, the price of 75-90 dollars per barrel oil, but must continue to pay attention to the development of 'war exchange rate' the United States with China and the potential war on the Korean peninsula. Global upheaval will only slow global economic recovery from the crisis, and will hit export-oriented industry.

2. Restrictions on fuel subsidy plan in January 2011 will have a significant effect, especially business-related transportation, distribution and consumption.

3. Indonesia's economy will still be relied on domestic consumption, businesses related to the local market will still be safe, despite facing the pressure in the first quarter of 2011.

4. The first quarter 2011 will be a heavy period, with global economic uncertainty, limiting fuel subsidies, and seretnya allocation of government expenditure.

5. These policies are not popular (but should be done) from the government is likely to be taken in the first quarter of 2011, according to custom SBY to take the unpopular policies of government in the middle of the year (so it is still enough time before the image of the recovery operation ends tenure).

6. The government will be more assertive in regulatory enforcement efforts in the field of trade, industry, labor and taxes.

7. Marketing trend is still going to combine the power of the distribution channel, who owns the best distribution channel, will have a chance to win the competition.

8. Service to the customer, will be the key strategy to win the competition, given the increasingly well informed customers of the choices that exist and the low switching costs.

9. Automation services to customers using a rental-based information technology (software as a service - SAAS) will be increasingly popular, as,, and the prediction of local players will appear in this type of service.

10. Promotion using social networks (eg Facebook, Twitter) will be far more effective than using a web promotion.

11. Community based marketing, will remain powerful in exploring the potential of existing markets and build customer loyalty.

12. For the motor industry, will continue to erode the dominance matic duck market share. It is estimated that in 2011 the sale matic will approach 50% of motorcycle sales. Big players in the estimate will launch its products in the first quarter of 2011.

13. For the computer industry, will far surpass the dominance of a laptop PC with an approximate ratio of 80:20 will penetrate. Netbook sales have been mencapi cusp and will tend to decline, eroded by the trend of IPAD and similar products, particularly those using Android.

14. Franchise Business will continue to grow, with some players learn from the mistakes in the beginning, and implement new strategies in 2011. Expected to be many local players who continue to Berjaya in 2011. Items of food and beverage franchise is still going to dominate.

15. Culinary business trends will continue to strengthen, with several players already applying modern concepts in terms of branding, standardization of the cooking process, supply chain etc..

16. Computer applications for office, particularly financial, will experience a surge in 2011, with specification of web-based, multiplatform, mobile, and lease-based (software as a service). World's big players will mendowngrade price to get into the SME market in Indonesia is growing, but the keys still in the competition and after sales support.

17. Creative industries will continue to grow, not affected by the crisis. Some players will successfully penetrate the international market. Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta will be the locomotive to generate start-ups in the field of creative industries.

18. Trends students become entrepreneurs will increase. The definition of students / graduates who are successful have been shifted from students who have a high IP, pass quickly and accepted in big companies, becoming a successful student has at times been a student of business, and expand it when passing. (Source: syncoreconsulting)

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