

HTC Desire HD

HTC released the HD variant, this time series Desire HD comes complete with high-resolution screen feature. Desire HD listed himself as the first HP HTC android that apply High Definition display technology. Not only that, HP is equipped with the latest enhanced features that make Desire HD worthy of the designation HP multimedia complete.

Audio Dolby Mobile and SRS Sound Enhance
Desire HD Audio using Dolby Mobile technology and SRS Sound Enhance. The sound quality can be given effect "WOW" when we enjoy multimedia facilities. Coupled with DLNA technology, sound effects can be heard through other compatible audio devices.

Froyo Android OS Plus Sense UI
Desire HD using the Android operating system version 2.2, Froyo that brings new features such as OpenGL to improve the quality of 2D and 3D graphics, SQLite to manage data storage and supports various media formats. HTC back to customize the user interface Sense UI to immerse of Desire HD, Sense UI is not just about appearance, but with the user interface also allows the use of HP.

HTC Location
Desire HD brings another surprise. If during this HP Android identical to the application map Google Map, Desire HD application presents maps and other navigational named HTC Posts with TomTom maps supported applications. Excess HTC Location is to provide options for users to download files map of where we are complete. In addition, HTC Location provides the option to download the navigation services to help us find the location or place easily, but it’s a paid service.

Desire HD already has the technology, WLAN 802.11 b / g / n, HSDPA with a maximum speed of 14.4 Mbps, HSUPA with a maximum uplink speed of 5.76 Mbps, EDGE and GPRS. Not only that to complement the experience of browsing, HTC immerse browser with full features on Desire HD. This browser is equipped with Adobe Flash and text-reflow for the convenience of opening various web pages.

No doubt, Desire HD screen is the main attraction. This LCD screen measuring 4.3-inch and capable of displaying 16 million colors with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. With this display technology such as fair if the display screen image will be very clear and smooth. Watch videos on Desire HD so pleasant experience in addition to the stunning quality of the screen, the HP is capable of playing high quality video file formats. DivX and XviD. Not only that, the touch screen Desire HD is ready to pamper your fingers thanks to Accelerometere and multitouch input technologies for ease of use.


Humor ala Blackberry Messenger

Sejarah valentine.
Valentine itu asalnya dari betawi, jaman VOC dulu. Berawal saat Mamat dan Udin berkelahi sambil bawa golok ngerebutin cinta Entin. Tanpa sengaja Entin kena bacokan Mamat di kepala. Melihat itu Udin berteriak, "pale Entin...pale Entin...". Ucapan itu disalahdengarkan oleh para kompeni menjadi valentine.:s X_X =)).

Akibat - akibat Blackberry hidupku berubah :
1. Sering diklakson’in orang lain, sampe disaran’in pasang stiker di belakang mobil "harap sabar, BlackBerry user"
2. Waktu BAB jadi tambah lama. Padahal isinya udah kosong tapi tetep aja nongkrong
3. Tidur miring nungguin pasangan sambil  ditangan. Kejar target ngabisin baca email
4. Suka senyum - senyum sendiri :D gak konsen kerja :s bangun pagi yang pertama dicari  dulu bukan yang lain =D
5. Jadi jarang marah tapi jadi sering dimarahin orang karena diajak ngobrol gak nyambung
6. Kalo di tempat umum suka panik nyari stop kontak. Baterry sekarat!! X_X
7. Sering lupa mencet tombol lift. Harusnya naik malah turun X_X belum lagi kebablasan lantainya :D
8. Kalo ngantri di bank pake nomor antrian, pas dipanggil di speaker gak denger. Pas kepala liat monitor kaget. Harus ambil antrian ulang. Tp tetap tenang :|
9. Langganan koran dan majalah masih tertumpuk rapi tak terbaca :O
10. Sering kejedug karena kalo jalan mata tertuju ke layar  X_X
12. Bikin tangan ga pernah kosong. Walaupun gak chatting, tetep aja  di tangan! Gak bisa ditaro dikantong/tas. Udah setingannya gitu.  kejait di tangan >:/
13. Kalau ketinggalan dompet gak panik, ketinggalan blackberry gawat
14. Ditanya nomor identitas, langsung nyebutin pin #:-s. #:-mau tidur, ganti status ввм : tidur dulu ah (=|
15. Mengalami kapalan di ujung jari :& :'( . Lebih baik bayar tagihan  dari pada jajan (y)
16. BT kalo Track Ball / Track Pad macet - macet >:O. Padahal harus cepet dibales comment / •̸Ϟ‎‎ 3-|
17. Doa cuma sebentar sudah amin O:) kalau  an bisa berjam-jam an, tobat woy tobattt =D
18. Saking kusuknya baca nih broadcast sampe gak sadar klo point no 11 kagak ada!
#:-s #:-s ◦°◦capĕĕ dĕĕ°◦◦ #:-s #:-s
#:-s #:-s ◦°◦capĕĕ dĕĕ°◦◦ #:-s #:-s
#:-s #:-s ◦°◦capĕĕ dĕĕ°◦◦ #:-s #:-s‎
#:-s #:-s ◦°◦capĕĕ dĕĕ°◦◦ #:-s #:-s
19. Yah dia sibuk gerakin cursour cari no 11 =D =)) =D =)).

1. MODEL :: Ganti picture tiap 5 menit
2. BURONAN :: Ganti nama tiap hari
3. @L4Y :: Nama diprofil pake simbol-Simbol sampe susah dicarinya! (Contoh :: 71M@T -> Jimat)
4. ROMEO & JULIET :: Statusnya cinta2 melulu
5.REPORTER :: Hobinya broadcast message
6. TERORIS :: Suka BM berita menyeramkan
(contoh : sebarkan pesan ini kalo tidak nanti km akan dapat musibah,blablabla)
7. RELIGIUS :: Suka mendoakan dan kirim kata-kata bijak via BBM walaupun cuma COPY & PASTE
8. SELEB :: Ganti status tiap 5 menit
9. J‎ABLAY :: Suka BM ping ato test contact,..!!!
(Ngarep bgt dibalas tuh,....!!)
10. Dis-ORIENTASI :: Suka bikin status tdk pd tempatnya. (Ga bisa bedain apa,.? Mana kolom nama, mana kolom status,..?!#:-s )
11. ANTENG :: Ga prnh ganti status, ga prnh ganti poto, apa Lg BM, (mungkin jg ga ngerti cara  ввм™ X_X)

Bagi yg ngerasa.. Silakan Periksa diri...
‎‎Нå. =D. нå. =D. нå. =D. ‎‎
BM 2 ur friends if u agree with this...hahahaha
Indahnya berbagi... Just for fun, but it's true :D
(◦'⌣'◦) friends.

Hari ini adalah hari selingkuh sedunia =D
Tanggal 9 feb
Jangan menyia-nyiakan Selingkuhan bila Pasanganmu menyakitkanmu !!':'(:'(({})({})

? Pasangan memberimu senyuman tapi Selingkuhan memberimu kebahagiaan...8-|

? Pasangan mentertawakan yg tidak benar tentang dirimu, tapi Selingkuhan akan tutup mulut dgn semua kesalahanmu.;)

? Pasangan hanya menerima kelebihanmu, Tapi Selingkuhan akan menerima kekuranganmu=D/ .

? Pasangan akan datang disaat Kamu tertawa bahagia, tapi seorang Selingkuhan akan datang saat Kamu berderai air mata...:)

? Pasangan akan membuatmu menangis, tapi Selingkuhan akan membuatmu tersenyum.:*

? Kirim kan ini ke semua orang agar mereka sadar betapa pentingnya seorang Kekasih Gelap daripada pasangannya:)
Mari kita selingkuh =))=D.

Seorg ne2k usia 85th blm menikah ingin menyiapkan batu nisan, Ia ingin nisanx t'tulis "Lahir prawan,Hidup prawan,Mati prawan". Tkng pahat nisan bingung krn kata2x trlalu pnjang. Jd dia punya ide n menulis bgini : " DIKEMBALIKAN UTUH, SEGEL BLUM DIBUKA" =)).

Hasil survey dr lembaga survey "Gardner" membuktikan bahwa para lelaki beristri lebih sayang pada anak dibandingkan pada para istrinya.

Karena jika celana anak melorot, akan segera dinaikan,
sedangkan jika celana istri sudah benar pun masih saja selalu dipelorotin.. :/ . ''"‎=))"''
<> =DЩќªќªќª =)). Met senyum2 teman2..:p.

4 Pria dalam 1 sel penjara
Kalo ada kambing disini, bakal gw perkosa tuh kambing!!!
PEMBUNUH bilang:
Abis lo kelar ama tu kambing, bakal gw siksa sampe mati!
PSIKOPAT bilang:
oh yeah! abis mati, bakal gw perkosa lagi tu kambing sampe gw yg mati!!!
si GAY di pojokan penjara kedip2 dan berkata sangat lembut:
MBEEEEKKKKKKKKKK ...................=))=))=)).


Blackberry Theme for Valentine's Day

February 14 is the day of love, or better known as Valentine's Day is a day that awaited each pair in the world. History shows that expressions of affection that was originally just a declaration of love on the lover at the time of celebration Lupercalis, developing towards the expression of sacrificial love of Saint Valentino. So what does it really love? Then who would really love it? To whom do you give your love? Many ways to show your love whether through a flower, a box of chocolates, or a blackberry application theme.

Yes, with blackberry you can express your love. Application from MMMOOO named Love is Love. You can download free directly from your blackberry gadget or PC through website or you can directly download here

Happy Valentine's Day. Love Is Love.


Kesalahan Pemilihan Keyword

Kebanyakan orang kurang teliti dalam memlih keyword. Oleh karena itu untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam pemilihan keyword pastikan anda mengetahui berbagai tipe kesalahan umum yang dilakukan oleh para praktisi SEO. Berbagai tipe kesalahan tersebut antara lain:

1. Menggunakan keyword nama perusahaan atau usaha.
Umumnya jarang orang melakukan pencarian nama perusahaan. Contoh: PT Abadi Selalu Jaya Tbk. Akan tetapi lain halnya jika keyword yang digunakan adalah komputer murah, notebook, mouse, dsb.

2. Menggunakan keyword yang jarang digunakan.
Seandainya website anda menawarkan produk yang sangat segmented dan kemungkinan besar tidak dikenal orang banyak maka coba dengan keyword yang agak luas cakupannya dan sering dicari orang, karena jika kata kunci yang digunakan jarang digunakan maka kemungkinan pengunjung website juga sedikit.

3. Menggunakan keyword satu kata daripada multikata.
Sekitar 20% orang melakukan pencarian menggunakan satu kata, padahal kenyataan menurut statistik sekitar 33% pencarian menggunakan kombinasi dua kata, sementara 26% menggunakan kombinasi tiga kata dan 21% menggunakan kombinasi empat kata lebih. Oleh karena itu, logis jika pencarian satu kata jarang dilakukan karena umumnya hasil yang diperoleh menjadi kurang jelas.

4. Menyalin keyword dari kompetitor mentah-mentah.
Hal ini merupakan teknik yang kurang optimal karena bisa jadi keyword yang digunakan kompetitor juga dalam posisi kurang optimal dan atau website kita jarang dikunjungi karena tergolong masih baru dan kalah posisi dengan kompetitor kita.

5. Terlalu banyak menggunakan keyword dalam halaman.

Ini disebut keyword stuffing atau keyword spamming. Konsekuensi dari hal ini adalah pembaca menjadi pusing dan tidak nyaman dalam membaca halaman tersebut. Selain itu google juga sudah memiliki alat pendeteksi spam yang memungkinkan google untuk memblokir website anda. Lebih baik anda menggunakan sinonim kata-kata yang mempunyai makna relevan dan bukan satu kata keyword yang diulan-ulang.


Health Insurance Buying Tips

Health insurance business in Indonesia is rife with a growing number of insurance companies that stand. Consumers also must be careful in determining the options before deciding to buy an insurance policy. Here are the things you should look at before buying health insurance:

1. Performance Company.
Observe the performance of the respective insurance companies, including insurance policies, brochures, prospectuses, insurance proposal and even insurance application forms.

2. Thorough calculation of insurance premiums and investment returns.
Read the fine calculation shown in the proposal are usually the calculation of insurance because it is not listed. Do not be tempted by the offer of the proposal because the calculations are only estimation which of course can be missed.

3. Form filling.
Never delegate the application form to the agent instead of our own or anyone else who must fill out an application and convinced of the truth of information that we specified.

For precise policy content of the following:
1. The protection provided.
Researching what is offered by insurance companies that exist in the policy. Notice anything that is borne diseases, because sometimes there are some diseases that are exempt or not included in the policy.

2. Term insurance follow.
Usually the type of health insurance cover possible a person suffering from certain illnesses to buy insurance, such as heart, liver and so on. Ask it to the insurance company.

3. The total coverage.
Notice also how much insurance is included in the policy. There are changing all the health costs incurred but there is also a limit, eg to a hospital room Rp3 thousand / night, for a maximum of Rp2 million ceiling physician, for maximal drug Rp1 million, etc..

4. Claim procedures.
In general, the maximum period to file a claim has been determined have been listed in the following terms in the policy documents must be submitted to the insurer then becomes your duty to observe.


Tips Buying a Notebook for Gamers

Gamers have been understood well how to upgrade the computer skills to meet the needs of gaming PCs that often requires a high hardware capabilities. But the situation will be very different when we will choose a notebook or laptop for use as a gaming device.

3 things to consider when buying a notebook for gaming.

1. Graphic.
True gamers will really notice the quality of the graphics screen to display the game to the fullest. The quality of graphics is usually supported by some of the presence of specialized hardware such as graphics card or chipset and screen resolution. It would be nice if you do a test first in notebook graphics performance before buying it.

2. RAM
Random Access Memory (RAM) is one important tool for gaming notebooks and notebooks with a designated high performance. RAM function handles the data for running various applications, the more high RAM the better will be notebook performance. Note also the presence of video RAM or VRAM graphics that improve the quality of the screen for processing graphic data is processed separately by the Video RAM.

3. Speed
Speed becomes an absolute thing that must be owned gaming notebook, for the presence of high-capable processor must also exist. Besides the RAM and processor, another important thing that can accelerate the performance of the notebook is the Hard Drive. For the needs of gaming, the hard drive with a clock speed of 4200 rpm to 7200 rpm is recommended.


How to Create a Blogger Feed

1. Enter your blog's web address in the "Ready to Burn?" form found on FeedBurner's homepage and at the bottom of the pages in the Blog and Podcast sections. If you plan to publish a podcast with your Blogger feed, check the "I am a podcaster" box. Click Next ».

The Identify Feed Source page should appear.

2. On "Welcome", make sure the title and FeedBurner address (URL) of your new feed are values you prefer.

The Create or Sign In To Your FeedBurner Account page should appear.

3. Also on this page, create a FeedBurner account by picking a username and password and supplying your email address.

When you've supplied all the required information on this page, click Activate Feed ». A "Congrats" page should appear.

4. Read all of the information on "Congrats", then click Next » to continue with the setup process.

5. If you selected "I am a podcaster" on the homepage, configuration options for our SmartCast service will appear. Here you can supply categories and other information for iTunes, append a copyright message, and submit your podcast to Yahoo! Search.

When you are finished, click Next ». Configuration options for FeedBurner stats services should appear.

6. On the stats configuration page, select the level of feed stats detail you want.

Click Next » to finish the setup process and enter our feed management interface.

You're now ready to make your FeedBurner feed available on your Blogger site!


Love Indonesia Aplikasi Travelling BB Terbaik

Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari aplikasi blackberry yang dapat menunjang aktivitas travelling anda maka tidak salah jika aplikasi Love Indonesia dinobatkan sebagai jawara karena merupakan hasil kreavitas developer dalam negeri.
Love Indonesia (LI) adalah aplikasi gratis yang dirancang untuk blackberry. Aplikasi Love Indonesia menyediakan berbagai macam informasi yang bisa diakses langsung secara online via internet mulai dari restoran, hotel, spa & beauty, seputar movie, direktori, olahraga, review merchant dan shopping disetiap kota di Indonesia.

Love Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 50.000 daftar kantor dari semua sektor industri yang berbeda di seluruh Jakarta dan kota lain seperti Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Bali, Banjarmasin, Bali, Bogor, Makassar, Palembang, Solo dan Yogyakarta. Informasi ini dapat diunduh secara langsung di blackberry Anda dari situs Selain di situs resminya LI juga dapat anda unduh langsung di

Love Indonesia menggunakan beberapa fitur Blackberry seperti Global Positioning System (GPS) dan Blackberry Maps sehingga memudahkan pengguna untuk menemukan lokasi yang dituju. Selain itu Love Indonesia juga menjalin kerjasama dengan merchant kartu kredit dan sebagainya. Semua fitur dan layanan Love Indonesia tidak hanya dapat dinikmati oleh orang Indonesia saja, tetapi juga dirancang untuk wisatawan dan orang asing yang memerlukan informasi seputar Indonesia.


Asus NX90 JQ

Asus NX90 has the “great” look of all. Starting from the size, design, materials used to make everyone who saw it was so intrigued with this notebook. From the outside, the view NX90 is quite unique because it is dominated by a shiny aluminum material. Asus itself claims that this product is the only notebook that uses materials such as those mentioned above.
In addition to aluminum made with chrome, which distinguishes this product from most other notebooks is the touchpad placement of up to 2 pieces. Yes, Asus NX90 has a single touchpad on the right and one on the left with the same size. I wonder what purpose the second touchpad on this product.
Although wrapped in aluminum, but not hot though NX90 used all day. Amazingly, the cooling fan was almost inaudible. Quiet, yet very effectively repel heat.

Audio and Video Performance

After quite satisfied with the looks, now is the time to test the performance of the Asus NX 90. This product has a relatively luxurious specifications, such as Intel Core i7 720QM, 6GB DDR3 memory and Nvidia GeForce GT graphics card 335M.

Running Movies High Definition (HD) certainly not a big deal for this product, so even when used for imaging and video. Asus NX 1990 can do it very easily without any problem. So what about the games?

To test how far his abilities, detikINET play some games like CoD Black Ops and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. Especially for Black Ops, Asus seems NX90 seems quite overwhelmed to play, while Shattered Dimensions can easily play even in high resolution even once.

And what about the audio performance of the proud? As previously explained that the ICEpower is the best for processing acoustic music, so anything with the ability Asus NX90. When used to play a more classic, orchestra, or classic quality is so amazing.

The voice that came out sounding very detailed, with good depth. Plus the stereo output is so precise, can bring the user as if the center was in the concert program.

But decreases when to listen to Jazz music, or music that much dominated by the bass voice. Low tone reproduction on this notebook is very bad, sounded shrill and less powerful. But quite understandable considering the Asus NX90 is not designed for this type of music.

Affairs of the movie, his voice sounded pretty good output. Especially at the conversations, and in several other scenes. Even so, no doubt if the effects explosion sound and another sound with a low tone feels less pleasant to hear. A bit disappointing, considering the product already has a remarkable specification.

But behind it, the specification offered is quite luxurious and capable of handling even the toughest applications with ease. And that is undeniable is that the audio quality (acoustic) so impressive. Interested in having them? Users must first spend quite deep. Since Asus NX90 priced USD 2609 or around Rp 23 million.

+ Specifications upscale
+ Vote acoustic mantab
+ Unique Appearance

- Expensive price
- The quality of the screen is not good
- Weight Specifications:
* Processor: Intel Core i7-720QM 1.6 GHz
* RAM: 6 GB
* Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 335M
* Screen: 18.4 inch, 1920 x 1080 pixels
* Hardsik: 2 X 640GB
* Dimensions: 530 x 275 x 43 mm
* Weight: 4.4 Kg

Assessment Score
- Performance: 4.6
- Facilities: 4.3
- Usage: 4.3
- Price: 3.4
- Total Score: 4.15/5


Canon PowerShot SX210 IS

For those of you who need a digital camera device with a full capability, it is not wrong if PowerShot SX210 IS her choice. SX210 IS equipped with an artificial lens that Canon has a maximum resolution of 14.1 Megapixels and capable of 14x optical zoom. In addition to capturing still picture, SX210 IS camera is also capable of recording video in HD format with 1280 x 720 px at 29.97 fps. Not only that, the SX210 IS has a technology Canon 4-stop image stabilizer with Dynamic IS which will help you get the best picture even in a state of motion. The screen size is 3 inch PureColor II technology with G also invested in this product so users can shoot photos with the right. To enjoy the photo shots SX210 IS provides a variety of connectivity features such as HDMI ports, USB and AV.
If you want to share the photos to social networking, SX210 IS CameraWindow software that has integrated with YouTube upload function so that it can be sent directly without needing to open a browser on your computer. To the memory space, SX210 IS has a memory card slot that supports SDHC card type and SDXC. The camera is able to accommodate SDXC cards with capacities up to 2 terabytes.

PowerShot SX210 IS – key features:
• 14x zoom, 28mm wide-angle genuine Canon lens
• 14.1 Megapixels with compact, metal body in three colour options*
• Canon 4-stop optical Image Stabilizer with Dynamic IS
• Wide 7.6cm (3.0") PureColor II G LCD with enhanced strength and visibility
• HD Movies (720p) with optical zoom, stereo sound and HDMI
• Easy to use with Smart Auto, Face Detection and on-screen Hints & Tips
• Smart Flash Exposure and i-Contrast for best results in all situations
• DIGIC 4 and Servo AF/AE for ultra-fast response and high image quality
• Manual, Av and Tv modes for full creative control
• Shooting modes including Smart Shutter, Low Light, Fish-eye and Miniature Effect

Price: (+/-) Rp 3 juta

Assessment Score
- Performance: 4.6
- Facilities: 4.3
- Usage: 4.3
- Price: 4
- Total Score: 4.3


Analisa Naik Turun Harga Emas

Nah, setelah mengetahui bentuk dan jenis investasi emas terbaik maka berikutnya kita perlu menganalisa tren kenaikan dan penurunan harga emas. Dalam artikel sebalumnya yang berjudul Gold's Highs Review in 2010 penyebab naik turunnya harga emas selama tahun 2010 antara lain karena berikut ini:
(A) Jatuhnya harga minyak mentah ke harga $ 42 per barel dan kegagalan Rusia untuk berdamai dengan Ukraina dalam kebuntuan gas.
(B) Ekonomi AS kehilangan 524.000 pekerjaan pada bulan Desember, menutup tahun penghapusan pekerjaan terburuk sejak Perang Dunia II. Tingkat pengangguran naik menjadi 7,2%, tertinggi dalam 16 tahun. Pengangguran meningkat sebesar 632.000 menjadi 11,1 juta, menurut survei.
(C) Ekonomi AS mengalami peningkatan dikarenakan bertambahnya 290.000 lapangan pekerjaan pada bulan April.
(D) Lemahnya mata uang AS akibat terbentuknya mata uang Euro.
(E) Adanya isu GOP mengambil kendali Perwakilan AS dan memperoleh kursi Senat juga.

Menurut Andam Dewi, saat ini ada dua hal penting yang sangat mempengaruhi pergerakan harga emas, yaitu :

Perubahan kurs
Melemahnya kurs dollar AS biasanya mendorong kenaikan harga emas dunia. Hal ini karena jatuhnya nilai mata uang dollar membuat harga emas menjadi lebih murah dalam mata uang lain sehingga umumnya mendorong adanya kenaikan permintaan emas, terutama dari sektor industri perhiasan. Contoh:
- Pada pertengahan tahun 2001, ketika mata uang rupiah mengalami penguatan yang cukup signifikan, harga emas logam mulia (LM) pun menurun. Demikian pula ketika rupiah melemah, harga emas LM pun meningkat.
- Di awal tahun 2003, perbedaan kurs USD/IDR (dollar AS terhadap rupiah) dengan harga emas LM semakin melebar karena di samping harga emas di pasaran dunia tinggi, nilai dollar AS pun melemah.

Situasi politik dunia
Kenaikan harga emas pada akhir tahun 2002 dan awal tahun 2003 terjadi sebagai dampak dari akan dilakukannya serangan ke Irak oleh sekutu yang dikomando AS. Pelaku pasar beralih investasi dari pasar uang dan pasar saham ke investasi emas sehingga permintaan emas melonjak tajam.
Walaupun saat ini harga emas sedang terkoreksi, belum adanya titik terang penyelesaian antara AS dan Irak membuat harga emas berpotensi kembali menguat sampai masalah selesai. Saat ini pengaruh terbesar pergerakan harga emas adalah situasi politik dunia.

Faktor lain yang juga dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai hal yang dapat mempengaruhi pergerakan harga emas, adalah :

Suplai dan permintaan
Salah satu contoh hal yang dapat mempengaruhi suplai dan permintaan (supply and demand) dari emas adalah seperti kejadian pada pertengahan tahun 1980. Pada saat itu, penjualan forward oleh perusahaan pertambangan selalu dipersalahkan atas terjadinya kenaikan pada harga emas. Dalam kerangka bisnis, sebenarnya perilaku perusahaan pertambangan tersebut masuk akal. Dengan melakukan penjualan forward ketika harga emas menguat, mereka dapat mengamankan harga output tambang pada harga yang cukup menarik.

Contoh lainnya, kasus pada pertengahan tahun 1998 di mana harga emas terus merosot. Saat itu, bank-bank sentral di Eropa menyatakan akan mengurangi cadangan emasnya sehubungan rencana pemberlakuan mata uang euro. Harga emas langsung anjlok di sekitar 290 dollar per troy ounce.

Situasi ekonomi
Sekitar 80 persen dari total suplai emas digunakan industri perhiasan. Konsumsi perhiasan merupakan pengaruh yang besar pada sisi permintaan. Ketika kondisi ekonomi meningkat, kebutuhan akan perhiasan cenderung naik. Namun, dari data statistik terlihat kebutuhan akan perhiasan lebih sensitif terhadap naik turunnya harga emas dibanding kan meningkatnya kondisi ekonomi.

Jatuhnya tingkat kebutuhan perhiasan pada masa resesi di tahun 1982-1983 terutama akibat naiknya harga emas secara simultan. Jatuhnya tingkat kebutuhan perhiasan di masa resesi awal 90-an lebih selaras dengan hal di atas, pada saat itu harga emas menjadi turun.

Situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu dapat mengakibatkan inflasi tinggi. Emas biasa digunakan sebagai alat lindung nilai terhadap inflasi. Manfaat ini sudah dirasakan investor sejak lama. Dengan emas, investor mendapat perlindungan sempurna terhadap merosotnya daya beli. Ketika tahun 1978-1980 harga emas sedang booming; sementara inflasi di AS naik dari 4 persen menjadi 14 persen, harga emas naik tiga kali lipat.

Akan tetapi, sejak saat itu, emas tidak lagi terlalu efektif secara sempurna digunakan sebagai alat lindung nilai terhadap inflasi. Di Indonesia, dari data yang didapat, tingkat inflasi tidak mempengaruhi harga emas. Harga emas lebih banyak dipengaruhi kurs rupiah terhadap dollar.

Suku bunga
Ketika tingkat suku bunga naik, ada usaha yang besar untuk tetap menyimpan uang pada deposito ketimbang emas yang tidak menghasilkan bunga (non interest-bearing). Ini akan menimbulkan tekanan pada harga emas. Sebaliknya, ketika suku bunga turun, harga emas akan cenderung naik.

Secara teori, jika suku bunga jangka pendek naik, harga emas turun. Di Indonesia teori ini tidak selalu berjalan antara lain:

1. Pada tahun 1998, karena nilai tukar rupiah merosot tajam terhadap mata uang dollar AS, pemerintah menaikkan tingkat suku bunga secara signifikan. Harapannya, menahan laju kenaikan nilai tukar dollar AS. Akibatnya, walaupun tingkat suku bunga naik, harga emas juga naik.
2. Kebutuhan emas juga tergantung dari variasi musiman. Penjualan emas di negara industri cenderung menguat saat menjelang perayaan Natal.
3. Demikian juga pada hari raya Tahun Baru Cina, harga emas cenderung menguat pada awal kuartal. Permintaan biasanya cenderung melemah pada masa Ramadhan di Arab.

Dengan melihat semua aspek pengaruh pergerakan harga emas, terutama masih belum selesainya masalah AS dan Irak, harga emas masih berpotensi menguat kembali walaupun sudah ada koreksi.


Bentuk dan Jenis Investasi Emas Terbaik

Investasi emas merupakan salah satu bentuk pilihan dalam berinvestasi. Kenapa? Adanya situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu dapat mengakibatkan inflasi tinggi. Emas biasa digunakan sebagai alat lindung nilai terhadap inflasi. Manfaat ini sudah dirasakan investor sejak lama. Dengan emas, investor mendapat perlindungan sempurna terhadap merosotnya daya beli. Ketika tahun 1978-1980 harga emas sedang booming, sementara inflasi di AS naik dari 4 persen menjadi 14 persen, harga emas naik tiga kali lipat. Nah, sebelum anda memutuskan berinvestasi dalam bentuk emas tentu saja Anda perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu bentuk dan jenis emas yang ada.

Secara umum, macam jenis emas dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis antara lain:
1. Emas Perhiasan

Emas perhiasan merupakan emas yang paling mudah ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari karena bentuk emas ini senantiasa dipakai sebagai alat perhiasan setiap manusia. Mulai dari gelang, kalung, anting, liontin, konde, mahkota dan lain-lain.
Dalam kadar murni, emas dikenal sebagai logam yang lunak. Manusia mencampurkan logam lainnya untuk membuat emas menjadi lebih kuat oleh karena itu bentuk emas ini sangat jarang yang memiliki kadar emas sampai dengan 24 karat.
Untuk setiap pembelian emas perhiasan, selain dikenakan harga emas yang dihitung berdasarkan gram dan karatnya, terkadang pembeli juga dibebani biaya pembuatan. Biaya pembuatan adalah biaya pengolahan logam emas menjadi perhiasan yang beraneka macam yang dibeli pembeli bersangkutan. Pada emas bentuk perhiasan ini nilai emas tidak hanya dihitung berdasarkan berat dan karat emas tersebut namun juga dilihat kreatifitas atau keahlian membuat bentuk-bentuk perhiasan dan asesoris lainnya, misal: intan, berlian atau hanya kaca kuarsa. Jadi, tentu saja harganya bisa menjadi lebih mahal daripada bentuk emas lainnya.

2. Emas Batangan

Emas batangan kadang disebut sebagai emas lantakan. Di Indonesia, emas batangan yang cukup banyak terkenal adalah emas produksi PT Aneka Tambang bermerek Logam Mulia. Logam Mulia adalah emas batangan yang berkadar 99,99%. Setiap pembelian Logam Mulia, kita akan mendapatkan sertifikat emas sebagai tanda keaslian. Di setiap sertifikat tersebut terdapat nomor seri sesuai dengan nomor seri yang terukir pada logam mulia.

3. Koin Emas

Sesuai dengan namanya, koin emas adalah salah satu jenis emas yang berbentuk koin atau Dinar Islam dengan kadar 22 karat dan berat 4.25 gram per koinnya. Uang dalam berbagai bentuknya sebagai alat tukar perdagangan telah dikenal ribuan tahun yang lalu seperti dalam sejarah Mesir kuno sekitar 4000 SM – 2000 SM. Dalam bentuknya yang lebih standar uang emas dan perak diperkenalkan oleh Julius Caesar dari Romawi sekitar tahun 46 SM. Julius Caesar ini pula yang memperkenalkan standar konversi dari uang emas ke uang perak dan sebaliknya dengan perbandingan 12 : 1 untuk perak terhadap emas. Standar Julius Caesar ini berlaku di belahan dunia Eropa selama sekitar 1250 tahun yaitu sampai tahun 1204. Di Indonesia di masa ini, Dinar dan Dirham hanya diproduksi oleh Logam Mulia - PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk.

4. Emas Granule
Emas granule adalah emas yang berbentuk butiran-butiran. Emas ini jarang ditemui karena emas granule mungkin hanya dimiliki toko-toko emas atau para pengrajin emas. Karena sifat emas yang dapat dilebur tanpa mengubah nilainya, emas granule dapat dilebur untuk dijadikan berbagai macam jenis perhiasan emas.

Bentuk Investasi Emas Terbaik
Mungkin Anda akan bertanya pilihan investasi apakah yang menguntungkan, apakah emas batangan ataukah emas perhiasan? untuk menjawabnya kita perlu perhatikan kelebihan dan kelemahan masing-masing.

Emas Batangan
1. Emas Batangan umumnya kadar 24 karat.
2. Tidak bisa dipakai, hanya disimpan.
3. Dalam kadar yang sama dengan perhiasan harga lebih murah karena tidak terdapat ongkos bikin/desain
4. Emas batangan 24 karat tidak terkena pajak 10% jadi harga lebih murah.
5. Lebih mudah dijual, biasanya tidak ada perbedaan karat pada sertifikat dengan karat sebenarnya.

Emas Perhiasan
1. Berbagai macam kadar dan bentuk seperti kalung, gelang, cincin, liontin, anting, dll.
2. Dipakai sebagai perhiasan
3. Umumnya harga lebih mahal, karena komponen ongkos buatnya.
4. Terkena pajak 10%.
5. Lebih sulit dijual dan harga jualnya cenderung turun karena yang diperhitungkan hanya nilai emas saja.

Bentuk-bentuk emas mempunyai keunggulan dan kelemahan masing-masing, tergantung tujuan anda dalam membeli. Kalo tujuan Anda murni untuk investasi maka lebih tepat untuk membeli emas Batangan produk Logam Mulia (Antam) karena karat dan beratnya terjamin sesuai yang tertera di sertifikat.


Gold’s Highs Review in 2010

(A) January 8th, 2010 - Precious metals price action turned positive on this day in New York, following weaker dollar values in the wake of dismal employment data. The dollar appeared to be anticipating tomorrow's US payroll figures which are expected to show that the economy has shed jobs during every single month of 2008 and likely pushed unemployment to 7% for a 16-year high. Crude oil fell to under $42 per barrel on apprehensions generated by the employment situation and was only marginally supported by Russia's failure to come to terms with the Ukraine in the gas impasse.

(B) January 11th, 2010 - The U.S. economy lost 524,000 jobs in December, closing out the worst year for job losses since World War II, the Labor Department said this date. Nearly 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, with 1.9 million destroyed in just the past four months, according to a survey of work places. It's the biggest job loss in any calendar year since 1945. The unemployment rate rose to 7.2%, the highest in 16 years. Unemployment increased by 632,000 to 11.1 million, according to the survey of households.

(C) May 7th, 2010 - Gold prices hovered around the $1200 mark early this morning, as their after-hours rise to five-month highs above that round figure on the back of spreading fears about Greek contagion and the Dow's 'air pocket incident' prompted profit-takers to do just that. The U.S. economy added 290,000 jobs in April, the biggest gain in four years. However, the unemployment rate rose slightly, from 9.7% to 9.9%. This is mostly due to people who had previously given up looking for work restarting their job search.

(D) June 18th, 2010 - On this day, Comex gold futures closed solidly higher today, near the session high. Weak U.S. economic data pushed the U.S. dollar index and stock indexes lower, and rallied the Euro currency, which in turn lent to fresh buying interest in gold. Price action Thursday suggests traders are resuming notions that a weaker U.S. dollar is a supportive factor for gold. Such had been the case until the European Union debt crisis rattled the world's market structure.

(E) November 4th, 2010 - As was largely expected the GOP took control of the US House of Representatives and gained Senate seats as well. Gold futures at one point rocketed ahead by nearly $60 an ounce this day compared to their low from the previous afternoon, when the market was initially choppy in the wake of a Federal Open Market Committee announcement of another $600 billion in quantitative easing.

(F) November 9th, 2010 - Commodity markets were on fire early this day, led by surging precious metals prices that saw gold futures hit a fresh record high and silver futures hit a fresh 30-year high. Gold's surge in price continued from the mid-term election and QE2 announcement on November 4.

(G) November 25th, 2010 - South Korea deployed additional long-range artillery missiles on a border island and vowed to make North Korea “pay the price” for its first direct assault on the country since 1953. Although an armistice has been in place since that time, the two Koreas are still technically at war with each other. A top Chinese emissary met with President Lee on Sunday, after China called for a multilateral emergency meeting aimed at defusing the aggravating crisis.

(H) December 6th, 2010 - China and its anti-inflation/anti-bubble combat took centre stage in the market news flows once again on this date, as its People's Bank announced a half percent hike in reserve requirements (to 18%) for the country's banks. The move represented the sixth such tightening this year. Polled analysts believe that inflation may have risen further, possibly to as high a level as 4.6%, and that the PBOC might raise interest rates even as soon as Sunday if it feels that the inflation dragon is growing yet another unwelcome head and getting ready for a menacing flight. (source:kitco)


Business Trend Analysis in 2011

SYNCORE has collected survey data and the sharing of business experience and make business trend analysis in 2011, with the following points:

1. The Indonesian economy is expected to grow about 6.3% in 2011, inflation 4.5%, the price of 75-90 dollars per barrel oil, but must continue to pay attention to the development of 'war exchange rate' the United States with China and the potential war on the Korean peninsula. Global upheaval will only slow global economic recovery from the crisis, and will hit export-oriented industry.

2. Restrictions on fuel subsidy plan in January 2011 will have a significant effect, especially business-related transportation, distribution and consumption.

3. Indonesia's economy will still be relied on domestic consumption, businesses related to the local market will still be safe, despite facing the pressure in the first quarter of 2011.

4. The first quarter 2011 will be a heavy period, with global economic uncertainty, limiting fuel subsidies, and seretnya allocation of government expenditure.

5. These policies are not popular (but should be done) from the government is likely to be taken in the first quarter of 2011, according to custom SBY to take the unpopular policies of government in the middle of the year (so it is still enough time before the image of the recovery operation ends tenure).

6. The government will be more assertive in regulatory enforcement efforts in the field of trade, industry, labor and taxes.

7. Marketing trend is still going to combine the power of the distribution channel, who owns the best distribution channel, will have a chance to win the competition.

8. Service to the customer, will be the key strategy to win the competition, given the increasingly well informed customers of the choices that exist and the low switching costs.

9. Automation services to customers using a rental-based information technology (software as a service - SAAS) will be increasingly popular, as,, and the prediction of local players will appear in this type of service.

10. Promotion using social networks (eg Facebook, Twitter) will be far more effective than using a web promotion.

11. Community based marketing, will remain powerful in exploring the potential of existing markets and build customer loyalty.

12. For the motor industry, will continue to erode the dominance matic duck market share. It is estimated that in 2011 the sale matic will approach 50% of motorcycle sales. Big players in the estimate will launch its products in the first quarter of 2011.

13. For the computer industry, will far surpass the dominance of a laptop PC with an approximate ratio of 80:20 will penetrate. Netbook sales have been mencapi cusp and will tend to decline, eroded by the trend of IPAD and similar products, particularly those using Android.

14. Franchise Business will continue to grow, with some players learn from the mistakes in the beginning, and implement new strategies in 2011. Expected to be many local players who continue to Berjaya in 2011. Items of food and beverage franchise is still going to dominate.

15. Culinary business trends will continue to strengthen, with several players already applying modern concepts in terms of branding, standardization of the cooking process, supply chain etc..

16. Computer applications for office, particularly financial, will experience a surge in 2011, with specification of web-based, multiplatform, mobile, and lease-based (software as a service). World's big players will mendowngrade price to get into the SME market in Indonesia is growing, but the keys still in the competition and after sales support.

17. Creative industries will continue to grow, not affected by the crisis. Some players will successfully penetrate the international market. Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta will be the locomotive to generate start-ups in the field of creative industries.

18. Trends students become entrepreneurs will increase. The definition of students / graduates who are successful have been shifted from students who have a high IP, pass quickly and accepted in big companies, becoming a successful student has at times been a student of business, and expand it when passing. (Source: syncoreconsulting)


Setting WAP Paket Blackberry Unlimited

Pada dasarnya untuk layanan Paket Blackberry Unlimited kita dapat melakukan browsing sepuasnya selama satu bulan. Namun beberapa hal dapat mengakibatkan kita terkena charge tambahan atau memakan pulsa kita saat browsing diantaranya karena:
1. Akses data streaming seperti You Tube dan lain-lain.
2. Browsing dengan menggunakan APN
Untuk poin 2 diatas, cara untuk setting WAP agar kita tidak dikenakan biaya tambahan atau pulsa kita terpakai adalah sbb:
- Klik Browser.
- Klik Menu Button
- Pilih Option
- Pilih General Properties
Pada default browser ada pilihan Blackberry Browser, Internet Browser, dan Hotspot Browser. Pastikan tidak ter-setting ke

Kemudian setting APN melalui menu Option, pilih Advance Option kemudian klik TCP/IP. Pastikan Menu TCP/IP tidak diisi apapun (dikosongkan) atau diisi dengan

Install third party application dan network application di-setting ke WAP, TCP/IP, atau auto. Jadi pastikan network connection-nya ter-setting ke BIS-B.

Selamat Mencoba.


How to Add your Blogger blog on MSN

Finally this is the end of serial post how to submit your blog to searc engine. Now i will show you how to add and verify your blogger blog on MSN. This is the step:
1. Sign into Windows Live with your Windows Live ID (Hotmail ID)
2. On the Webmaster Center, type the site URL in the Web address field. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as

3. Click Submit.

MSN,webmaster live, tools
4. From the Authenticate Ownership of Website page select “Meta tag authentication" Copy the whole tag.

msn meta tag
5. Open the Edit HTML mode from the blogger’s Layout Editor. Paste the Meta Tag you just copied immediately under the tag "head". Save the template.

msn meta tag
6. Go back to Authenticate Ownership of Website page and click on the "Return to Site List" button.
7. From the Site List page click your web address to check whether the verification step is completed.

See you on another time.


How to Add your Blogger blog on Yahoo

Last post i had wrote about how to add and verify your blogger blog on google. As serial post now i will show you how to add and verify your blogger blog on Yahoo. This is the step:
1. Sign into Yahoo Site Explorer with your Yahoo Account
2. From the Site Explorer click My Sites.

3. Type the site URL in the Add My Site Field. Make sure you type the entire URL, such as and then click Add My Site.

4. Click on the yellow button under the Status.

5. From the Authentication page select “by adding a META TAG to my home page" Copy the whole tag.
yahoo submit your site
6. Open the Edit HTML mode from the blogger’s Layout Editor. Paste the Meta Tag you just copied immediately under the tag "head". Save the template.

7. Go back to Yahoo Site Explorer and click on the "Ready to Authenticate" button. (It might take a few hours to get your status updated)

Next How to Add your Blogger blog on MSN

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